Training Courses

Door Supervisor

Learn the skills needed to operate legally as a door supervisor.

Door supervisors are often the first point of contact between many businesses and members of the public. It is important therefore that they are effectively trained and meet legal requirements in what can be a challenging environment.

The Level 2 Award for Working as a Door Supervisor within the Private Security Industry is aimed at learners who want to apply for a licence from the Security Industry Authority (SIA) to work legally as a door supervisor. Based on the SIA’s own specifications and updated to meet the latest requirements.

Security Guard

Ensure safe and legal working practices as a security officer!

Security officers often work in challenging or isolated environments. It’s thus important they have the right training to conduct the role effectively while ensuring the safety of themselves and the public. What’s more, they need to meet legal
requirements established by bodies such as the Security Industry Authority (SIA).

The Level 2 Award for Security Officers in the Private Security Industry has been developed to give learners the skills and knowledge to operative effectively and safely while meeting the requirements of the SIA to work as a security officer.

To complete this qualification learners are expected to undertake approximately 42 hours of learning. The SIA stipulates a minimum of 29 contact hours (4-days) if self-study is undertaken.

CCTV Operator

Operate legally and effectively as a CCTV operator.

Designed for learners looking to apply for a licence from the Security Industry Authority (SIA) to work as a CCTV operator in public space surveillance, this qualification is based on the SIA’s own specifications and has recently been updated to take into account new requirements.

The Level 2 Award for Working as a CCTV Operator (Public Space Surveillance) within the Private Security Industry delivers the knowledge and understanding needed by learners and meets the requirements of current legislation.


The objective of this qualification is to confirm occupational competence and provide
learners, with the knowledge, skills and understanding of spectator safety.

will cover topics such as:

  • Preparing for spectator events
  • Assisting with the movement of spectators
  • Dealing with crowd issues at events
  • Managing and resolving conflicts
  • Dealing with incidents at spectator events
  • Supporting the work of the team and organisation

Emergency First Aid at Work

This qualification meets the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) requirements for training first aiders in those organisations that have identified that staff need to be trained to this level within their first-aid needs assessment.

It will also ensure your first-aiders are approved to deliver first aid for 3 years, after which they will need to retake the course.

Topics include:

  • Roles and responsibilities of the first aider
  • How to assess an incident
  • Recognizing signs and symptoms of injury and illness
  • First aid skills in CPR and use of an AED

The qualification means learners should be able to safely and effectively use an
automated external defibrillation machine for 3 years, after which they should resit
the qualification.

De-Fib Training

Assisting a casualty who is suffering from major injury and illness such as chest injuries, Having the knowledge and skills to deliver basic life support, and particularly how to safely and effectively use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), is an important part of providing first aid coverage in the workplace.

The Level 2 Award in Basic Life Support and Safe Use of an Automated External Defibrillator (RQF) has been developed by  leading experts to help learners wanting to develop their knowledge and skills in basic life support.
The qualification is recommended for first-aiders in the workplace who have access to a defibrillator, and will give them the understanding that cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillation form an essential part of the chain of survival.

Furthermore, the topics covered are regarded by Skills for Health as being important in maintaining good practice in the safe, prompt and effective administration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillation.

Topics covered include:

  • Be able to manage an unresponsive casualty who is breathing normally
  • Be able to manage an unresponsive casualty who is not breathing normally
  • Know how to safely use an automated external defibrillator
  • Be able to safely use an automated external defibrillator